
max execution time

put にしろ fetch にしろ1回の処理に制限がある。

bulkload は 100 件
fetch は 1,000 件
delete も 100 件程度

> Is there any limit of execution time of scripts? If there is, how long
> is this max execution time for a function?

A few seconds, eight or ten seconds at the most.

> Is there any way to set the max_execution_time or functions like
> set_time_limit() in php?
I don't think so.

> If I want my script to execut in a long time to finish its job, maybe
> 20 mininuts, just looks like a service, is there any way in App
> Engine ?

Nope. Google App Engine is only designed for applications that can
respond to requests in under 300 ms or so.


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