
PhoneGap 2.5 and WebKitStoreWebDataForBackup

WebKitStoreWebDataForBackup は NSUserDefaultsに設定する
バンドルされる XXX-info.plist ではない

In iOS 6 and later, web data (SQL Web Storage and LocalStorage) from a UIWebView object can be stored in a directory that will be backed up. To enable backing up this data, set the WebKitStoreWebDataForBackup key to YES in your app’s user defaults. This should be done only if your app relies on web content data that cannot be reloaded. If your UIWebView object opens links to arbitrary web content, this key should be set to NO. Toggling the value of this key will not preserve existing web view data.

$ ./lib/ios/bin/create ./HelloWorld org.apache.cordova.HelloWorld HelloWorld
$ pwd

 [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:[backupType isEqualToString:@"cloud"] forKey:@"WebKitStoreWebDataForBackup"];

 backupType = @"cloud"


http://phonegap-fan.com/ use Splashscreen is deprecated. http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.5.0/cordova_splashscreen_splashscreen.md.html#Splashscreen

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