
Blogger API / max_resuts

X max-results
○ max_results

ex. この値をセットしないと25程度しか reults が得られない

start_time ='2009-05-01'
end_time ='2009-05-31'
query = service.Query()
query.feed = '/feeds/' + blogID + '/posts/default'
query.max_results = "100"

query.published_min = start_time
query.published_max = end_time
feed = gd_service.Get(query.ToUri())


Blogger Data API

PHP による処理

Zend Google Data APIs client library をダウンロードし展開 

c:\php\php.ini の include_path に追加 

include_path = ".;c:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library"


C:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\demos\Zend\Gdata>c:\php\php Blogger.php -- --user=xxx --pass=xxxx 

Note: This sample may Create, Read, Update and Delete data stored in the account provided. Please exit now if you provi
ded an account which contains important data.

0 Tech memo
1 web2000

public function promptForBlogID()// 以下の処理で prompt を停止可
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('http://www.blogger.com/feeds/default/blogs');
$feed = $this->gdClient->getFeed($query);
//$input = getInput("\nSelection");
$input = "0";//0 Tech memo に固定

Selection: 0
Creating a post.
Creating a draft post.
Updating the previous post and publishing it.
The new title of the post is: Hello, world, it is.
The new body of the post is: There we go.
Adding a comment to the previous post.
Added new comment: I am so glad this is public now.
Adding another comment.~
Added new comment: This is a spammy comment.~
Deleting the previous comment.~
Printing all posts.
0 Hello, world, it is.
1 Hello, world!
2 Mambo / Install Maniax2008
3 Joomla! / Install Maniax2008
23 multipart/form-data~
24 it's not found as __builtin__.instancemethod
Printing posts between 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-01.
Deleting the post titled: Hello, world, it is.

Blogger.php を元に
Blogger2.php を作成し転送処理を実行


Blogger Data API Developer's Guide: PHP Hello, world!

I am on the intarweb!


include_path = ".;c:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library"
C:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\demos\Zend\Gdata>c:\php\php Blogger.php -- --user=xxx --pass=xxxx
Note: This sample may Create, Read, Update and Delete data stored in the account provided.  Please exit now if you provi
ded an account which contains important data.

0 Tech memo
1 web2000

Selection: 0
Creating a post.
Creating a draft post.
Updating the previous post and publishing it.
The new title of the post is: Hello, world, it is.
The new body of the post is: There we go.
Adding a comment to the previous post.
Added new comment: I am so glad this is public now.
Adding another comment.
Added new comment: This is a spammy comment.
Deleting the previous comment.
Printing all posts.
0 Hello, world, it is.
1 Hello, world!
2 Mambo / Install Maniax2008
3 Joomla! / Install Maniax2008
23 multipart/form-data
24 it's not found as __builtin__.instancemethod
Printing posts between 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-01.
Deleting the post titled: Hello, world, it is.


blogger new posts, setting the scheduled post date and categories

public function createPost($title, $content, $isDraft=False)
// We're using the magic factory method to create a Zend_Gdata_Entry.
// http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.gdata.html#zend.gdata.introdduction.magicfactory
$entry = $this->gdClient->newEntry();
$entry->title = $this->gdClient->newTitle(trim($title));
$entry->content = $this->gdClient->newContent(trim($content));
$entry->category = array(
$this->gdClient->newCategory('this is a label', 'http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#'),
$this->gdClient->newCategory('this is another label', 'http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#'));
$uri = "http://www.blogger.com/feeds/" . $this->blogID . "/posts/default";

1 日に多数の投稿を行う場合は、確認用の文字の入力を求められます。 確認用の文字は、24 時間が経過すると自動的に削除されます 
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException' with message 'Expected response code 200, got 400 Blog has exceeded rate limit or otherwise requires word verification for new posts' in C:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library\Ze nd\Gdata\App.php:644


IIS + MySql



1. PHP設定ファイル(PHP.ini)の「;extension=php_mysql.dll」のコメントを解除。
2. PHP設定ファイル(PHP.ini)のextension_dirにphp_mysql.dllを追加。(例:extension_dir = "c:\php\ext\")
3. PHPインストール先(例:c:\php)にあるlibmysql.dllをWindowsディレクトリ(例:c:\windows)にコピー。
4. IIS7を再起動。



SOQL Questions

Q. Does anyone know an easy way to simulate a SELECT DISTINCT operation in SOQL?
Also, how do you check for NULL in a WHERE clause. I know IS NULL does not work?


don't think there's anything like distinct though


Q. Join
Accessing Query Results from a Relationship Query from the Partner WSDL with Axis for Java


Q. Update many rows

sql = "select id from Product2 where ProductCode like '%.jp%' and Family <> 'blog' "
query_result = client.query( sql )

if ( query_result['records'].__len__() < 1 ):
self.response.out.write('no product found with : %s ' % sql )
else :
products = query_result['records']
for product in products:
product['Family'] = 'blog'
results = client.update( product )

self.response.out.write( results )
if results[0]['success'] :
self.response.out.write( 'updated. ' )
self.response.out.write( results[0]['errors'] )
self.response.out.write( 'Error. ' )


Cannot build indexes that are in state ERROR.

Uploading index definitions.
Error 400: --- begin server output ---
Cannot build indexes that are in state ERROR.

To vacuum and rebuild your indexes:
1. Create a backup of your index.yaml specification.
2. Determine the indexes in state ERROR from your admin console: http://appengine.google.com/datastore/indexes?&app_id=blog-editor
3. Remove the definitions of the indexes in ERROR from your index.yaml file.
4. Run "appcfg.py vacuum_indexes your_app_dir/"
5. Wait until the ERROR indexes no longer appear in your admin console.
6. Replace the modified version of your index.yaml file with the original.
7. Run "appcfg.py update_indexes your_app_dir/"
--- end server output ---
Your app was updated, but there was an error updating your indexes. Please retry later with appcfg.py update_indexes.

C:\google>appcfg.py vacuum_indexes blog-editor/
Fetching index definitions diff.
This index is no longer defined in your index.yaml file.

ancestor: true
kind: BlogUrlYm
properties: []

Are you sure you want to delete this index? (N/y/a): y
This index is no longer defined in your index.yaml file.

ancestor: true
kind: Blog
properties: []

Are you sure you want to delete this index? (N/y/a): y
This index is no longer defined in your index.yaml file.

ancestor: true
kind: Stock
properties: []

Are you sure you want to delete this index? (N/y/a): y
This index is no longer defined in your index.yaml file.

ancestor: true
kind: Img
properties: []

Are you sure you want to delete this index? (N/y/a): y
This index is no longer defined in your index.yaml file.

kind: Blog
- direction: desc
name: ym

Are you sure you want to delete this index? (N/y/a): y
This index is no longer defined in your index.yaml file.

ancestor: true
kind: Timeline
properties: []

Are you sure you want to delete this index? (N/y/a): y
Deleting selected index definitions.

C:\google>appcfg.py update_indexes blog-editor/
Uploading index definitions.

Swift UI チュートリアル Loading watchOS が終わらない?

Loading watchOS が終わらない? ディスク容量の残量が少ないので不要なシュミレーターを削除したとこころ watchOSのものが全部なくなってしまっていた。 WatchOS を削除して再度インストールしても復活せず。 Create a new simulator で ...