Thursday, September 3, 2009
App Engine SDK 1.2.5 released for Python and Java, now with XMPP support
- kind: Imgproperties:- name: open_mode- name: categorydirection: desc- name: modifieddirection: desc
ローカル: 2009年7月21日(火) 午前11:52件名: Re: can not force delete a index with error!I wasn't able to delete the "Error" status index for a day, the next
day when I tried vacuum_indexes it got deleted without any problem.The fist day I tried many times, but the index status was "Error" it
didn't change to "Deleting...". It was kind of stuck at the error
PHP による処理
include_path = ".;c:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library"
Note: This sample may Create, Read, Update and Delete data stored in the account provided. Please exit now if you provi
ded an account which contains important data.
0 Tech memo
1 web2000
public function promptForBlogID() | // 以下の処理で prompt を停止可 |
{ | |
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Query(''); | |
$feed = $this->gdClient->getFeed($query); | |
$this->printFeed($feed); | |
//$input = getInput("\nSelection"); | |
$input = "0"; | //0 Tech memo に固定 |
Selection: 0
Creating a post.
Creating a draft post.
Updating the previous post and publishing it.
The new title of the post is: Hello, world, it is.
The new body of the post is: There we go.
Adding a comment to the previous post.
Added new comment: I am so glad this is public now.
Adding another comment.~
Added new comment: This is a spammy comment.~
Deleting the previous comment.~
Printing all posts.
0 Hello, world, it is.
1 Hello, world!
2 Mambo / Install Maniax2008
3 Joomla! / Install Maniax2008
23 multipart/form-data~
24 it's not found as __builtin__.instancemethod
Printing posts between 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-01.
Deleting the post titled: Hello, world, it is.
Blogger.php を元に
Blogger2.php を作成し転送処理を実行
include_path = ".;c:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library"
Note: This sample may Create, Read, Update and Delete data stored in the account provided. Please exit now if you provi
ded an account which contains important data.
0 Tech memo
1 web2000
Selection: 0
Creating a post.
Creating a draft post.
Updating the previous post and publishing it.
The new title of the post is: Hello, world, it is.
The new body of the post is: There we go.
Adding a comment to the previous post.
Added new comment: I am so glad this is public now.
Adding another comment.
Added new comment: This is a spammy comment.
Deleting the previous comment.
Printing all posts.
0 Hello, world, it is.
1 Hello, world!
2 Mambo / Install Maniax2008
3 Joomla! / Install Maniax2008
23 multipart/form-data
24 it's not found as __builtin__.instancemethod
Printing posts between 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-01.
Deleting the post titled: Hello, world, it is.
public function createPost($title, $content, $isDraft=False)
// We're using the magic factory method to create a Zend_Gdata_Entry.
$entry = $this->gdClient->newEntry();
$entry->title = $this->gdClient->newTitle(trim($title));
$entry->content = $this->gdClient->newContent(trim($content));
$entry->category = array(
$this->gdClient->newCategory('this is a label', ''),
$this->gdClient->newCategory('this is another label', ''));
$uri = "" . $this->blogID . "/posts/default";
1 日に多数の投稿を行う場合は、確認用の文字の入力を求められます。 確認用の文字は、24 時間が経過すると自動的に削除されます
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException' with message 'Expected response code 200, got 400 Blog has exceeded rate limit or otherwise requires word verification for new posts' in C:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library\Ze nd\Gdata\App.php:644
Loading watchOS が終わらない? ディスク容量の残量が少ないので不要なシュミレーターを削除したとこころ watchOSのものが全部なくなってしまっていた。 WatchOS を削除して再度インストールしても復活せず。 Create a new simulator で ...