
Task Queue, Transaction

Scheduled Tasks With Cron for Pythonhttp://code.google.com/intl/en/appengine/docs/python/config/cron.html
  • Task Queue戦記 - スティルハウスの書庫
  • TaskQueueをローカルでデバッグする方法 - ひがやすを blog
  • Offline Processing on App Engine: a Look Aheadを見たメモ - スティルハウスの書庫

    タスク Task -- http://code.google.com/intl/ja/appengine/docs/python/taskqueue/overview.html


    key_name ="http://pages.google.com/edit/kwin786/Impressionnism01_s.jpg-2"
    r = db.get(db.Key.from_path('Imgmap',key_name))

    def update_imgmap(key):
    r = db.get(key)
    r.regimgmapcontenturl = "1"
    s = ImgmapContentUrl(
    #   parent=key,
       content_url = r.content_url)

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\ext\webapp\__init__.py", line 507, in __call__ handler.get(*groups) File "C:\google\museum-in-cloud\cron.py", line 70, in get db.run_in_transaction(update_imgmap,r.key()) File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\datastore.py", line 1904, in RunInTransaction DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_RETRIES, function, *args, **kwargs) File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\datastore.py", line 2001, in RunInTransactionCustomRetries result = function(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\google\museum-in-cloud\cron.py", line 148, in update_imgmap s.put() File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\ext\db\__init__.py", line 797, in put return datastore.Put(self._entity) File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\datastore.py", line 198, in Put tx = _MaybeSetupTransaction(req, keys) File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\datastore.py", line 2090, in _MaybeSetupTransaction raise _DifferentEntityGroupError(expected_group, group) File "C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\api\datastore.py", line 2122, in _DifferentEntityGroupError b.kind(), id_or_name(b))) BadRequestError: Cannot operate on different entity groups in a transaction: (kind=u'Imgmap', name=u'http://pages.google.com/edit/kwin786/Impressionnism01_s.jpg-2') and (kind=u'ImgmapContentUrl', name=u'http://pages.google.com/edit/kwin786/Impressionnism01_s.jpg').

  • 2009年9月18日金曜日




    Index 復活


    properties: [] 


    diff は一切表示なし。
    C:\google>appcfg.py vacuum_indexes blog-editor
    Fetching index definitions diff.


    エラーログの内容を index.yaml に素直に追加するのが一番
    - kind: Img
    - name: open_mode
    - name: category
    direction: desc
    - name: modified
    direction: desc



    Google App Engine : Index Error



    index.yaml の該当部分を削除して vacume_indexes しても Status が Error の
    ままで Deleting にならず、削除が開始されない。 結果、 Error が消えないのでどうしようもない。

    ローカル: 2009年7月21日(火) 午前11:52
    件名: Re: can not force delete a index with error!

    I wasn't able to delete the "Error" status index for a day, the next
    day when I tried vacuum_indexes it got deleted without any problem.

    The fist day I tried many times, but the index status was "Error" it
    didn't change to "Deleting...". It was kind of stuck at the error


    Google App Engineで、index.yamlに記述したインデックスが正しく生成されないときの対処法

    GAE(google app engine) インデックスのトラブルの顛末


    Blogger API / max_resuts

    X max-results
    ○ max_results

    ex. この値をセットしないと25程度しか reults が得られない

    start_time ='2009-05-01'
    end_time ='2009-05-31'
    query = service.Query()
    query.feed = '/feeds/' + blogID + '/posts/default'
    query.max_results = "100"

    query.published_min = start_time
    query.published_max = end_time
    feed = gd_service.Get(query.ToUri())


    Blogger Data API

    PHP による処理

    Zend Google Data APIs client library をダウンロードし展開 

    c:\php\php.ini の include_path に追加 

    include_path = ".;c:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library"


    C:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\demos\Zend\Gdata>c:\php\php Blogger.php -- --user=xxx --pass=xxxx 

    Note: This sample may Create, Read, Update and Delete data stored in the account provided. Please exit now if you provi
    ded an account which contains important data.

    0 Tech memo
    1 web2000

    public function promptForBlogID()// 以下の処理で prompt を停止可
    $query = new Zend_Gdata_Query('http://www.blogger.com/feeds/default/blogs');
    $feed = $this->gdClient->getFeed($query);
    //$input = getInput("\nSelection");
    $input = "0";//0 Tech memo に固定

    Selection: 0
    Creating a post.
    Creating a draft post.
    Updating the previous post and publishing it.
    The new title of the post is: Hello, world, it is.
    The new body of the post is: There we go.
    Adding a comment to the previous post.
    Added new comment: I am so glad this is public now.
    Adding another comment.~
    Added new comment: This is a spammy comment.~
    Deleting the previous comment.~
    Printing all posts.
    0 Hello, world, it is.
    1 Hello, world!
    2 Mambo / Install Maniax2008
    3 Joomla! / Install Maniax2008
    23 multipart/form-data~
    24 it's not found as __builtin__.instancemethod
    Printing posts between 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-01.
    Deleting the post titled: Hello, world, it is.

    Blogger.php を元に
    Blogger2.php を作成し転送処理を実行


    Blogger Data API Developer's Guide: PHP Hello, world!

    I am on the intarweb!


    include_path = ".;c:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library"
    C:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\demos\Zend\Gdata>c:\php\php Blogger.php -- --user=xxx --pass=xxxx
    Note: This sample may Create, Read, Update and Delete data stored in the account provided.  Please exit now if you provi
    ded an account which contains important data.

    0 Tech memo
    1 web2000

    Selection: 0
    Creating a post.
    Creating a draft post.
    Updating the previous post and publishing it.
    The new title of the post is: Hello, world, it is.
    The new body of the post is: There we go.
    Adding a comment to the previous post.
    Added new comment: I am so glad this is public now.
    Adding another comment.
    Added new comment: This is a spammy comment.
    Deleting the previous comment.
    Printing all posts.
    0 Hello, world, it is.
    1 Hello, world!
    2 Mambo / Install Maniax2008
    3 Joomla! / Install Maniax2008
    23 multipart/form-data
    24 it's not found as __builtin__.instancemethod
    Printing posts between 2007-01-01 and 2007-03-01.
    Deleting the post titled: Hello, world, it is.


    blogger new posts, setting the scheduled post date and categories

    public function createPost($title, $content, $isDraft=False)
    // We're using the magic factory method to create a Zend_Gdata_Entry.
    // http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.gdata.html#zend.gdata.introdduction.magicfactory
    $entry = $this->gdClient->newEntry();
    $entry->title = $this->gdClient->newTitle(trim($title));
    $entry->content = $this->gdClient->newContent(trim($content));
    $entry->category = array(
    $this->gdClient->newCategory('this is a label', 'http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#'),
    $this->gdClient->newCategory('this is another label', 'http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#'));
    $uri = "http://www.blogger.com/feeds/" . $this->blogID . "/posts/default";

    1 日に多数の投稿を行う場合は、確認用の文字の入力を求められます。 確認用の文字は、24 時間が経過すると自動的に削除されます 
    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException' with message 'Expected response code 200, got 400 Blog has exceeded rate limit or otherwise requires word verification for new posts' in C:\php\ZendGdata-1.7.3\library\Ze nd\Gdata\App.php:644

    Swift UI チュートリアル Loading watchOS が終わらない?

    Loading watchOS が終わらない? ディスク容量の残量が少ないので不要なシュミレーターを削除したとこころ watchOSのものが全部なくなってしまっていた。 WatchOS を削除して再度インストールしても復活せず。 Create a new simulator で ...